Monday, September 14, 2009

Big Party in Murray!!

Get ready Utah girls- here we come! We are teaming up with Recessionista and Beau Cheveux Salon in Murray for a dream weekend. We are bringing our fabulous charms, along with shoes, boots, jeans, and handbags to the Grand Opening of Beau Cheveux (formerly Salon Q). So, I know you are saying, "tell us when already!!" We will be there September 25th (Friday) and 26th (Saturday) from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The address is: 5207 South State Street in Murray, Utah.

Hope to see you there.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shout out

Just a little shout out to our good friend at Brassy Apple. If you have not checked out this amazing site- GO DIRECTLY THERE!! You will love it and be amazed that one person could be so talented. WAIT!! Don't forget to order your charms and then go get a fabulous apron or awesome jeans to go with them :)

A little too much fun

So, we had a little too much fun at our little party tonight! Thanks to all our friends who came to check out the shoes that Recessionista is clearancing out.... AND took home lots of charms. Once again we had ladies gathered around the charms picking out ones for each of the special gals in their life. Isn't it fun to have such diverse personalities among us? hee hee Sure makes for some good conversation anyway. Thanks again friends!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Get Ready!

We have some fabulous and exciting news!! Are you ready? We are soon going to be adding some new charms to our inventory- whoo hoo. Stay tuned so you can find out when these little babies will be appearing......